Before travelling please check items of interest are in stock as stock changes daily.
No Tariffs or Duty added to Items going South.

Animilia Bronze Stone Cast Iron

Sort By:
Stag Climbing Rock

Lifesize alloy large stage of super quality on Rock

£2,099.00 Plus Vat


Pair Cranes Large

Large Pair of metal Cranes £457+ vat



Pair Jacquemart Hounds on Plinths

Pair Jacquemart Hounds on Plinths

£2650 plus Vat

Call for Price: 028 8778 4895

Bronzed Stag Family

Stag £745 +vat..Doe £685 + vat,,Grazing Doe £690+vat,,Laying £595+vat


Rusty Stag Cast Iron

Cast Iron lifesize Rusty Stag

£799 plus Vat  EACH


Geese Pair Large

Lovley pair lifesize geese

Alloy,,,£545 Plus Vat


Highland Cow on Plinth

Great detailed figure of Highland Cow, Recon Stone

Can be bought with or withour base

Highland Cow £395

Plinth £375


Sheep Life size

Sheep Life Size Bronzed



Italia Lifesise Dog on Base

Recon Stone

£895 each


Bronze Lions Pair

Superb Bronze Lisesize Bronze Lions

20th C.


Hunting Dog

Recon Stone

£229 each


Elk on Rock Lifesize

Absolutly Stunning Elk on Rock

Cast Alloy 140kg

£3199 Plus Vat


Pair Small Cranes

Nice Pair Cranes


Bronzed Horse

Stunning lifesize bronzed horse.£2295+vat

Call for Price: 028 8778 4895

Cast Iron Dog

Cast Iron Dog


Call for Price: 028 8778 4895

A Raft of Ducks

Stunning group of lifesize ducks on a log

Alloy  £549 plus vat


Swan Pair

Can be sold seperatly

£199 Each


Doe Grazing Lisesize

Doe  Life Size Bronzed



Reposing Stags On Plinth SOLD

Magnificant reposing pair stone stags on plinths

Can be sold individualy.

Call for Price: 028 8778 4895

Cast Iron Reposing Stag



Lifesize Laying Doe

Part of the Stag Family Available

£595 + vat


Bronzed Stag Moy Antiques

Life size Bronzed Stag £745+vat


Pair Stone Dogs

Pair Stone Dogs


Bronzed Doe

Life size Bronzed Doe £685+vat


Pair Westcott Lions

Reconstituted Stone Lions £199 each

Base Optional at £149 Each


Stag On Rock

Reconstituted Stone

£495 each


Bronzed Stag

Life size Bronzed Stag £745+vat

Call for Price: 028 8778 4895

Stag Head C.1915 SOLD

Suffolk 1915


Bronzed Donkey

Alloy Donkey with Baskets

Top Quality



Rearing Foal

Bronzed Alloy Rearing Foal

Great Example

£899 +vat


Bronzed Dog

Casy Alloy Bronzed

Was £349


Bronze Greyhounds Pair SOLD

Real bronze pair of lifesize greyhounds.

Super item. Great quality. Dog and Bitch.

Sold.  Another pair arriving soon.


Cast Iron Bull

Stunning large cast iron bull


Call for Price: 028 8778 4895

Cast Iron Stags

Cast Iron Stags Lifesize £799+vat each


Two Cast Iron Stags

Standing Stag £799+vat

Laying Stag £799+ vat


Call for Price: 028 8778 4895

Stone Horses

Would suit Garden Entrance or Pier Tops

Normaly £495  Offer £449 each


Stag Silhouette



Lifesize Bronzed Horse

Stunning lifesize bronzed horse.£3195+vat

Call for Price: 028 8778 4895

Lifesize Bronzed Foal 1

Stunning lifesize bronzed Foal. £745+vat

Call for Price: 028 8778 4895

Pair Bronze Horses

Pair 20thC. Bronze dressage Horses. Intereior or Exterior Item


Bronze Horse Stallion SOLD

Real Bronze Horse Stallion Life size


Squirrel On Plinth Large

Recon Stone large Squirrel on Plinth



Highland Cow


Call for Price: 028 8778 4895

Pair Swans

Pair Swans


Pair Cranes

Pair Cranes

£99 each


Pair Cast Iron Stag Finials

Pair Cast Iron Stag Finials



Wall Stags

Bronzed wall stag pair £399+vat


Running Rabbits

Running Rabbits


Pair Deer

Pair Deer


Lifesize Bronzed Foal

Lifesize Bronzed Foal £645+vat

Call for Price: 028 8778 4895




Great Dane Statue

Available to Order


Bronze Stag Large SOLD

Real Bronze Large Stag Sculpture



Bronzed Boar £595+vat

Call for Price: 028 8778 4895

Cast Iron Horse

Small Pair Cast Iron Horses £335+vat Each

Call for Price: 028 8778 4895

Harrow Eagle

ONE only Bath Stone composite Harrow Eagle on Plinth

RRP £1390


Pair Sitting Greyhounds

Pair Stone Dogs


Cranes Elegant

Cast Iron

£99 each

Call for Price: 028 8778 4895

Pair Laying Dogs

Pair Stone Dogs


Stag & Doe

Cast Alloy


Love Cranes

Cast Alloy


Stag Small

Cast Alloy Bronze finish

£199 each


Stag On Rock 2

Reconstituted Stone

£495 each


Cast Iron Rooster

Cast Iron Rooster


Horse Metal


Stag Resin

Resin standing stag 11kg

Indoor Use


Pair Stone Lions with Ball

20C Composite stone lions


Billy Goat

Cast Alloy


Call for Price: 028 8778 4895

Cranes Standing

Cast Iron

£99 each

Call for Price: 028 8778 4895

Crane Feeder

Cast Iron


Customer Photos Horse and Foal

See prices in Animilia section


Eagle Pair

Heavy, Painted and laqured


Customer Photos Horse On Base and Foal

See prices in Animilia section


Cranes Cast Iron

£99 Each


Italian Dogs

Pair Reconsituted stone dogs


Italia Dog 1


Large Bull

Alloy Lifesize Bull

Call for details


Laying Cow

Alloy Lifesize Cow

Call for details


Standing Pig

Alloy Lifesize

Call for details


Sitting Pig

Alloy Lifesize

Call for details



Alloy Lifesize

Call for details


Alligator Head

Alloy Lifesize

Call for details


Alligator Baby

Alloy Lifesize

Call for details
