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Antiques N Ireland - Chaise Longue,Settees,Suite

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Gilt Wood Settee

Attractive good quality

Giltwood settee

Of Good proportions

20th C.


20th C. Double End Settee

Nicely Carved and Upholstered

Double End Settee


Arthur Settee

Arthur settee mahogany frame finished in ivory cloth. With optional Chair


Monks Bench With Pair Lion Ends

Super Quality Victorian Oak Monks Bench

With Reposing Lion Arm Rests


Victorian Double End Settee

Victorian Scroll Arm Double End Sofa in Mahogany


Chaise Longue

Chaise Longue Victorian

With option of matching Chairs. See images


Pair Victorian Armchairs

Made in The Bank Buildings Belfast by Robertson,Ledlie & Ferguson.

Now know as Primark building

2 x sprung front stuffover armchairs Victorian


Victorian Chesterfield Sofa & Chairs OLD

Antique Original Victorian Chesterfield Sofa & Chairs

Ready for restoration. Project.

Sofa £495  Chairs each £199

Call for Price: 028 8778 4895

Regency Settee

Great frame


Victorian Walnut Settee SOLD

Butterfly back walnut victorian settee finished in original silk


Victoeian Chaise Lounge SOLD

The best Chaise Lounge around.

C.1880 With good covering and

carved mahog cushion stopper.


Stylish Settee Edwardian SOLD

Marquetry inlaid very fine Edwardian settee



Gilt wood Suite NOW SOLD

Mid C. Gilt wood suite £1150 or

Settee £695

Pair Chairs £595


Beremese Settee SOLD

Mahogany hand carved


Brass Inlaid Settee SOLD

Stunning 20thC brass inlaid

settee with burr walnut cross banding


Pure Edwardian Settee SOLD

Stunning Marquetry Inlaid Edwardian Settee

With a sence of Fashion from the Edwardian Era



Monks Bench Oak SOLD

Antique Oak Monks Bench

Of good Proportions


Monks Bench-Table Converter SOLD

20th C. Solid Oak Monks Bench

That converts to side table

Table 72cm high


Wesses Recliner ,Lift and Tilt

Lovley quality lift and tilt recliner in beige fabric.For the more knowledgeable citizens.
