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Antiques Ireland  Bookcases Ireland

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Stacking bookcase

Very good early 20thC. bankers oak stacking bookcase with Glass returning doors


Walnut Credenza Victorian NOW SOLD

Early Victorian 2 Door Marquetry Inlaid Walnut Display Cabinet. 19thc.


Pair Regency Style Bookcase/Display Shelves

Pair of Regency French Style bookcase made from solid mahogany. They feature supports in the form of scrolls, and the base is decorated with carved sphinxes, all raised on a plinth with brass decorative rods.


Victorian 2 door bookcase SOLD

A good example of a victorian 2 door bookcase with a nice patina


Wine/Whiskey Revolving Table

Revolving Whiskey / Wine table Bookcase 20th C.

Leather top with drawers Good Quality


Victorian Two Door Bookcase

Rounded corner Victorian 2 door bookcase

of slim poroprtions in great condition

From flamed Mahogang (possibly Brazilian wood)



2 Door Astral Glazed Bookcase

Very Clean 20th C solid Mahog

2 Door Bookcase


Slim Open Bookshelf

Open Bookshelf of slim proportions. C1990.

Attributed to Bevell And Funnell


Walnut Victorian Open Bookshelf

Carved oak open bookcase having fly adjustable shelves , with acanthus cumns to the sides, raised on a plinth base.C 1860


Edwardian Bureau Bookcase

This beautifully rich mahogany bureau bookcase would be an attractive and practical addition to the home office, study or living room..Marquetry Inlaid wirh swan neck pediment.. Below is a traditional writing bureau featuring a drop-down lid.


Open Shelf Bookcase Display Case Victorian NOW SOLD

Nice Size Victorian open Book / display / storage shelfs


Bookcase 1920

Stylish 1920s 2 door bookcase

with concealed cupboards and glass doors


Revolving Bookcase -Quality

Serious Quality Edwardian Revolving bookcase

Great size


Bookcase Louise Style

20th C. Marquetry inlaid with a stunning interior

Mirrored doors,Bureau front and drawers


Art Deco style Cabinet

The Best Art Deco style Cabinet around

Great Size Great Quality

Burr Walnut with Nickle Handles

Concertino Doors


Japanese Shodana Cabinet SOLD

Circa 1890, Meiji period Japanese carved and inlaid shodana (cabinet),with  wood carvings, inlaid mother of pearl and Ivy, Also an arrangement of cupboard doors, sliding compartments, open shelves and drawers decorated with scenes of birds ,people and foliage.


Secretaire Bookcase

Edwardian mahogany secretaire bookcase with astral glazing,good condition


Library Bookcase

3 door large library boocase in Mahogany. This victorian bookcase is in original condition


Chiffonier Bookcase

Victorian 2 door flamed mahog Chiffoneir


Cabinet bookcase Glazed

Very nice cabinet boocase with omorlu cupits and urns fitted at top.C1880


Antique Cabinet Bookcase

Mahogany Bow front cabinet

Was £1995

Inner top Shelfs 23cm deep


French Cabinet


Pair Revolving Side Tables NOW SOLD

Pair 20th C. Revolving side Tables of high quality

With Sectional top also Crossbanded and Ebony style

pillars to sides with brass mounts.


Bookcase C.1910 SOLD

In Used Condition


Open BookcaseSOLD

Open Book Shelfs / Display


Walnut Open Bookshelf SOLD

Victorian walnut open bookshelf

of small proportions . Adjustable Shelves.



Open Bookcase Slim SOLD

Open Inlaid bookcase of slim proportions



Yew wood Cab SOLD

Nice Yew wood bevelled glass Cab.

By Bradley Fine Furniture Kent 1980s

With interior lighting and good proportions


Edwardian Inlaid Bookcase SOLD

Slim 2 door Edwardian inlaid Mahog Bookcase

Astral Glazed in good condition


Low Bookcase Glazed NOW SOLD

Edwardian Mahogany Astragal Glazed Library Bookcase standing on shaped bracket style feet. Having interior having two adjustable shelves.
All In Very Good Condition
Circa 1910


Open Bookcase Shelf Display Shelf NOW SOLD

Open  bookcase of slim proportions


Victorian Open Bookshelf SOLD

Waterfall Bookshelf Mahogany


Art Deco Bookcase SOLD

Small oak art deco bookcase C.1940


Revolving Bookcase 20thC SOLD

Mahogany Shell Inlaid Revolving Bookcase

C.1990 very good quality. English made


Bookshleves by Bevan Funnell NOW SOLD

Good Quality Open Bookcase

by Bevan Funnell England



Revolving Bookcase Edwardian SOLD

Nice Edwardian Mahog Revolving bookcase


Revolving Bookcase SOLD

20th C.  Inlaid mahog revolving boocase

Best Price


Glob Wernicke BookcaseSOLD

With Solid Brass Supports


Edwardian Mahogany Bookcase SOLD

In Good Condition


Open Shelf Small Proportions SOLD

Nice Size open Book / display / storage shelfs

With Drawer


Revolving Bookcase C.1990 NOW SOLD

Nice quality 20thC revolving bookcase

Mahog with Inlay


William V Secretaire Bookcase SOLD

William V Secretaire Bookcase in Cuban Mahogany

Best Price


Bureau Bookcase SOLD

Bureau bookcase of small proportions C.1910


Open Bookcase Low SOLD

Edwardian Inlaid Open Bookshelf

With Shaped foot. Quality Mahogany



Bookcase Breakfront George III Style NOW SOLD

Fantastic opportunity to acquire this superior English Made

Breakfront solid mahogany bookcase with leather top writing slide

and leather fronted drawers,,,20thC.


Georgian Secretaire Bookcase NOW SOLD

Superb Georgian secretaire bookcase of very high quality with a impressive interior consisting of secret drawers and master craftmanship.


Revolving Bookcase EdwardianSOLD

Edwardian Mahogany Revolving Bookcase


Open Shelf Bookcase Display Case NOW SOLD

Solid Mahogany Open Shelf dispay unit

with Drawer


Walnut Pier Cabinet SOLD

Magnificent Burr Walnut Antique Inlaid Pier Cabinet

Of Superb Quality, This Magnificent 19th Century Burr Walnut Antique Inlaid Pier Cabinet dates from around 1870 and has a beautifully figured top above an elegant inlaid frieze, central glazed door and key with working lock.
