Before travelling please check items of interest are in stock as stock changes daily.
No Tariffs or Duty added to Items going South.

Garden Fountain Bronze Stone Cast Iron

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Fountain Center Piece Lion Head

Decorative garden Font/Urn, reconstituted stone. Bath stone with decorated with floral swags, lions heads and scrolls. Standing on a large square plinth. 


Fountain 1970s

Nice vintage fountain

of good proportions


3 Tier Fountain

Bronzed Alloy


Call for Price: 028 8778 4895

Bronze Fountain

Green Patina Bronze Fountain


Old Sandstone Font

Original Sand stone Victorian, Font,,Birdbath


Umbrella Font

Figured umbrella font

Man and Woman

Re Constituted stone


Fountain With Surround

Italia Stone Fountain center piece with wall surround


Fountain Cast Iron SOLD

Cast Iron Fountain £675+vat


Bronze Lady Urn Fountain With Birds SOLD

Bronze Lady Urn Fountain With Birds

Special Item


Cast Iron Fountain Heavy Quality NOW SOLD

English or French made thick cast Iron Fountain

Centerpier and bowl

Great Item with Brass water fitting

Early 20th,C.


Cast Iron Swan Fountain

Cast Iron 3 tier Fountain with Swans

£1490 Plus Vat

Call for Price: 028 8778 4895

Cast Iron Fountain Out Of Stock

Cast Iron Fountain


Garden Fountain Bronze

Garden Fountain Bronze 4 lady green patina


Cast Iron Wall Font

Cast Iron Wall Font


Fountain Center Piece

Stone Fountain Center Piece


Lady 2 Urn Font

Reconstituted Stone Water Feature


Water Font Boy + Girl

Stone Water Font Boy + Girl

Pillar tap option  Normal Price £449  Offer £399


Lady Font Stone SOLD

Stone Lady Font on Plinth


Georgian Style Fountain SOLD

Georgian Style
with 330cm Circular  pool surround

Call for Price: 028 8778 4895

Fountain of Boy & Dog

Reconstituted Stone


Fountain Girls with Basket

Reconstituted Stone


3 Tier Fountain Stone

Impressive painted 3 Tier Font

With Surround


Lion Mask Font Centerpiece

Fountain Centerpiece


Fountain Centerpiece Floral

Fountain Centerpiece


Large Urn Fountain

Urn Water Fountain

Can also be Planted with flowers
