
Victorian Games / Console Table
Good quality Flamed mahog Victorian turn over leaf games / console table.C.1880
Vanity Table with Cheval Mirrors
For a Home, Beauty Salon,Clothes Shop Etc.Beautifully made butterfly vanity table with hindged full length Cheval mirrors. C.1910
Regency Brass Knob Chest Drawers
Superb Regency Bow Front Chest of Drawers
With Decorative Brass Knobs from Brazilian Mahogany
Edwardian Inlaid Side table
Quality mahog marquetry inlaid crossbanded breakfront side table console.
C.1915 Post Edwardian with 3 drawers over 4 doors of great proportions...
Burr Walnut Victorian Credenza
Superb condition Victorian rounded corner Credenza with Marquetry inlay,ormolu mounts ,three glazed dorrs,,inner shelving,in Burr Walnut. Nice quality.Good proportions
Early Victorian Chest of Drawers Great Patina
What a Belter
Top Quality Flamed Mahogany Chest of Drawers
C.1840 with super Patina with Hat drawer flanked
by lockable Drawers.. Great Find
Stunning Regency Tilt Top Table
Regency Flamed Mahogany Segmented tilt-top center table. Extraordinary grain & patina.on pedestal base supported by 4 ball feet with hidden castors.C.1815
French Bedside Cabinet Pair
Antique 20th C Pair Walnut Marble Top Bedside Cabs with Ormolu mounts and fittings.
William IV Bookcase
Fantastic William IV 2 door bookcase,original glass,adjustable shelves with 2 drawers over 2 doors.Superb swags and carvings from Brazilian Mahogany.C.1835
Regency Cellarette /// Log Box
Fine Regency Mahogany Dome topped Cellarette,,,Log Box,,,on Castors C1820
Stacking bookcase
Very good early 20thC. bankers oak stacking bookcase with Glass returning doors
Compactom Art Deco Gents Robe NOW SOLD
Art Deco gentleman's wardrobe by Compactum Ltd. of London. Fitted with labelled compartments, trays and rails. Opening to reveal a fully fitted interior,storage space in the plinth base. original labels in tact, etc.C1920
Walnut Credenza Victorian NOW SOLD
Early Victorian 2 Door Marquetry Inlaid Walnut Display Cabinet. 19thc.
Retro Cabs Pair
Pair Retro 3 drawer Cabs of the utmost quality. Heavy solid hardwood with deep tapered tops.C1970.
Victorian Jardiniere
Walnut and Ebony Victorian Jardiniere with brass gallery and drip tray.Great for house plants
Victorian Credenza Burr Walnut NOW SOLD
Quality Example of a Victorian Walnut Credenza
Great Patina and of good proportions
Burr Yew wood Chiffonier
Exceptionally rare Victorian Burr yew wood breakfront cabinet.C1840.An unique design, with plenty of storage space . Utmost quality. Stunning item..A real one Off. Must have been in one of the top furniture exhibitions in the 19th C.
Console Table Victorian
C.1860 very high quality Victorian ,Brazilian Mahog ,Console table with cabriole-shaped legs and carved decoration.
Victorian 2 door bookcase
A good example of a victorian 2 door bookcase with a nice patina
Wellington Chest
A fine antique rosewood Victorian Wellington chest. The chest has seven opening drawers with original wooden knobs, and has a side hinged locking bar. With faint makers name.
Crest of Emmanuel College, Cambridge
Oak smal table Mid C. with Crest of Emmanuel College, Cambridge
Frog Band
Burr Walnut Work Table
A Victorian burr walnut sewing table,Inside, there are two fretwork central covers,Superb satinwood sectional interior. Marquetry inlaid exterior on original castors with brass beedings
Rosewood centre Table,Breakfast Table NOW SOLD
Super quality Rosewood Breakfast table C1860
William IV Console Table
Superb William IV Mahogany Side Table The polished mahogany top with a single drawer below and faux drawer on the reverse, supported on a turned and reeded column going to a platform base and finished with paw feet.Crossbanded in rosewood
Walnut Victorian Open Bookshelf
Carved oak open bookcase having fly adjustable shelves , with acanthus cumns to the sides, raised on a plinth base.C 1860
Edwardian Bureau Bookcase
This beautifully rich mahogany bureau bookcase would be an attractive and practical addition to the home office, study or living room..Marquetry Inlaid wirh swan neck pediment.. Below is a traditional writing bureau featuring a drop-down lid.
Pair Walnut Torchére Stands
Superb Quality Graduating Walnut Regency Torchere stands
Exquisitely Carved With Lion Heads with bronze rings And Claw Feet
C.1820 .Larger 82cm high x 52 cm. Smaller 80cm X 41 cm
Open Shelf Bookcase Display Case Victorian NOW SOLD
Nice Size Victorian open Book / display / storage shelfs
Regency Console Table
Lovley size and quality antique console / hall table of goo proportions 19C.
Bookcase Louise Style
20th C. Marquetry inlaid with a stunning interior
Mirrored doors,Bureau front and drawers
Art Deco style Cabinet
The Best Art Deco style Cabinet around
Great Size Great Quality
Burr Walnut with Nickle Handles
Concertino Doors
Console Table Marble Top
Stunning Rosewood Victorian Console
With nice quality marble top
Console Mirror Back
Mahogany Console Table
Master craftsman Carved Supports
In top condition with mirror back
Victorian Late Robe.NOW SOLD
Late Victorian Robe/Linen Press
Great Quality with Lion Mask Handels
Bracket foot and inlaid dental cornice.
Regency Sectional Dining Table
Regency Sectional Dining Table with 2 x console table ends
and turn over leaf centre table.Mahogany
Carlton House Desk
19th/20th Century fine quality Edwardian Mahogany Carlton desk. It has a pierced brass gallery to the top and marquetry inlay depicting lovers swags and ribbons and is in exceptional condition.Known as the Carlton House writing table. Bureau à gradin form.Attributed to Edwards & Roberts C.1900
Griffin Stool Walnut
French Renaissance walnut dressing stool, late 19th century, of outswept X-shape form, the arms terminating in carved heads, the legs with paw feet, 58 cm high, 75 cm wide, 55 cm deep Showing signs of treated worn. Normal for age and wood
Monks Bench With Pair Lion Ends
Super Quality Victorian Oak Monks Bench
With Reposing Lion Arm Rests
Vintage Car Suitcase
Outboard Leather Vintage Car Suitcase
Would have strapped to chrome rack over boot lid
Special Item
Cheval Mirror Edwardian
Edwardian Inlaid Cheval full length mirror
Of good proportions
Great Condition
Duchess Dressing Table NOW SOLD
Probably the best Duchess Dressing table on the market. Oozing quality and style.
Victorian C.1860
Bonheur Du Jour Desk
Burr Walnut Victorian Bonheur Du Jour Desk
Marquetry Inlaid with ormolu mounts
Drop front Bureau and mirror door top
Marble top Washstand
Of small proportions. Edwardian Washstand.
Great for addind a sink on top..C1905
Victorian Wardrobe Breakfront NOW SOLD
Stunning Breakfront mahog Robe C.1860
A good wardrobe constructed from solid Mahogany with a shaped cornice top above a generous carved frieze and with three full length Doors.Fitted interior with drawers and brass campaign style handles
Willian IV Console Tea Table
Exellent quality of smaller proportions
Cuban Mahog Console Tea Table
Japanese Shodana Cabinet SOLD
Circa 1890, Meiji period Japanese carved and inlaid shodana (cabinet),with wood carvings, inlaid mother of pearl and Ivy, Also an arrangement of cupboard doors, sliding compartments, open shelves and drawers decorated with scenes of birds ,people and foliage.
Oak Bureau
Good Quality Oak Bureau Desk on Bracket feet
with Heavy brass handles and Escuthions
Early Vict Great Patina Chest Drawers SOLD
What a Belter.
Superb Early Victorian Flamed Mahog 2 over 3
Chest with Slim Over drawer on Bracket Feet
Quality Regency Chest Drawers SOLD
Flamed Cuban Mahogany Chest Drawers
Super Quality of good proportions
French Victorian Table
Victorian Burr Walnut Marquetry Inlaid Table
With Ormulu Mounts and Hidden Drawer
Secretaire Bookcase
Edwardian mahogany secretaire bookcase with astral glazing,good condition
Library Bookcase
3 door large library boocase in Mahogany. This victorian bookcase is in original condition
Dressing Table C.1900 SOLD
Crossbanded Edwardian Mahogany Dressing Table Attributed
to Maple & Co. In great condition.
Chest Drawers 2 over 3 Victorian SOLD
Great Patina Rounded corner Victorian Chest of Drawers
Deep bottom drawer incorporating plinth.
Scotch Chest Of Drawers NOW SOLD
Quality Chest with secret drawer
and Barley twist supports. C.1880
Regency Ebony Knob Chest Drawers NOW SOLD
Quality Regency Bow Front Chest of Drawers
With Ebony wood inlay and Knobs
from Brazilian Mahogany
Rosewood Regency Desk
C.1820 Rosewood Regency Desk with Slide writing slope
and Jack in The Box Drawers. Special
Trade Price £995
Rosewood Victorian 2 Tier Server
Victorian Louis Style Serpentine shaped rosewood
2 tier serving table with Ormolu mounts and handles
Italian Victorian Table
In the manor of early Arts & Crafts
Walnut with Satinwood and Mahogany